What Birth Photography looks like during Covid


With the impact of COVID-19 on South Africa, Birth Photography has also had to adapt. Although it is vastly different, it remains richly beautiful in its own way.

As Brené Brown says, “If we own the story, then we can write the ending.”

We cannot mask our frustrations of deep desires and plans that we thought we could have, but no longer can. But we should not turn our backs on our stories. Your birth story can - and should - still be told.

It is still possible to capture the last hour before you leave for the hospital; saying goodbye to your first born for the last time before they become an older sibling. Photos and videos taken by your partner in the hospital can be professionally edited to ensure a consistent, full birth story. Your Meet the Family-session can simply be documented when you bring baby home to your loved-ones' welcoming faces, eagerly awaiting the first glance at your newborn.

Take a look at this amazing birth that I covered during the lockdown in South Africa, when photographers were not allowed into the hospital.

Birth Photography during Covid-19 has the potential to be unique, full and surprisingly beautiful!


Getting to know Kristen in 2020


Mom, Birth Photographer & Blogger