Mom, Birth Photographer & Blogger

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Life as a mom, birth photographer and blogger is nothing short of organized chaos which I can't imagine any other way. I have raised my three children on my own since my husband died four years ago.

I am truly blessed to be able to work flexible hours. It allows for many moments to still be able to be there with my three kids as their schedules get crazier and as their need for mom fluctuates. They are now three. As I write that, it dawns on me how far I have come after losing my husband. I truly know that I MADE IT, through God’s grace and strength and my sheer determination or need to never give up.

As if I didn’t have enough on my plate, I have now taken on the task of writing about my experience in life. You can follow me on braverybecomesher if you would like to read more and keep up to date with my writing. I have always believed that through my trials, I can help others find their strength. This is my hope through my writing. And I believe the time has come for me to share. The last four years have been a long journey. However, I feel that it has made me strong enough to help others who need to lean on someone now.

I am forever grateful for the way my path crossed with every person that has been a pillar of strength for me. Birth photography also found its way to me at the very time I needed it, too. I absolutely love this job, and can't imagine doing anything else. And I get to see my children’s sleepy faces most nights.

I am one happy woman.


What Birth Photography looks like during Covid


One Of The Things That Makes Us Unique is your birth video