Getting to know Kristen in 2020

Many of you may know me as the person who acquired Maryol Blomerus’ birth photography business in 2019. To all of Marysols’ followers I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself to you. To my own loyal followers, thank you for your ongoing support! I am 100% sure that the knowledge and resources I have gained through this new business venture will only enhance and grow the high standard of my work that you have already come to know and trust!

Marysol and I have been working closely for the last few years within the birth photography industry. Not only as photographers but also as business women in the birth industry of South Africa. Marysol (USA) and Alda (Ireland) began the South African Birth Photographers Association over 7 years ago, and passed the responsibility of running this legacy to me in 2017.

It has been HALF A YEAR (not sure it counts in 2020… But hey, we can still try to have some kind of year, right?) since Marysol and I publicly announced that I would be taking over her portfolio and learning from her, before she left for the United States.

If you’re a long-time follower of ours, you’ll know that between Marysol and I we have six kids!! Yep, SIX kids ranging aged five to ten years old. Let me just tell you, the voice notes and zoom meetings have been nothing short of entertaining! Throw in a world-wide pandemic, homeschooling these SIX kids during lockdown AND a six hour time-difference, and it will give you just a small idea of how organised we needed to be in order to continue our journey of handover.

With all that said and done I am pleased to say we have DONE IT! 

I have already had the pleasure of photographing many of Marisol’s most cherished clients over the last few months, and I can’t wait for you to hear more about it as we progress through the next few months. 

Keep following and keep in touch with all the feels that come with the work that both Marysol and I have done together. Since Covid has robbed us of a lot of the emotions and sharing that we had planned earlier this year, we’ve decided to relaunch and relive the handover next month. So watch this space! 

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Pretty in Pink: At home maternity session during lockdown | Bronté


What Birth Photography looks like during Covid