Pretty in Pink: At home maternity session during lockdown | Bronté

Things don’t always work out the way you planned… Especially in 2020!

It’s hard to imagine that Bronté and Grobler’s gorgeous maternity session almost didn’t happen, due to the hard-hitting impact of Covid 19. Thankfully, South Africa’s lockdown restrictions were eased enough to make it possible (with all necessary protocols in place, of course!).

There is something truly magical witnessing the moment before a family of three become four. The excitement of the little family was palpable. Soon-to-be Big Sis, Léa, was especially looking forward to meeting her new baby sister! How wonderful to experience such beauty and hope in these unprecedented times...

Of course, baby Charlotte-Rae’s hospital birth also played out quite differently than was initially expected and planned for… See the full session here.

For now, I invite you to enjoy the magic of this pretty-in-pink maternity session:


A Covid 19 hospital birth | Charlotte-Rae


Getting to know Kristen in 2020