Twins welcome home photo session | Aimee
With the run-up to her due date, Aimee was the perfect planner and had everything in order well ahead of time. She had to be organised, as she was working on the South African election campaign at the same time. And, she was expecting twins!
But, even the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry! Only a week before the elections kicked off in SA, Aimee had the rug pulled out from underneath her feet… The twins decided they were done baking!
On a Tuesday afternoon, at 29 weeks, Aimee delivered the twins in an emergency c-section, with about 2 hours notice. She was in early labour without realising it, and by the time they discovered this, she was already 3cm dilated!
This terribly unexpected arrival meant that our picturesque maternity shoot didn’t happen, and neither did the coverage of the birth! A great disappointment for Aimee and her husband… But thankfully, they were a healthy pair of babies richer, and after a stay in the NICU for several weeks, they were able to go home.
To make up for the lost photo opportunities, Aimee and I decided to do two sessions during the twins’ first year of life. This first one, documenting parents and their newborns settling in at their family home in Scarborough. Their home overlooks the beach - this is where our second shoot will take place, documenting the twins’ first birthday. Can’t wait!
We can make every plan possible, but unfortunately it just doesn’t always work out the way we thought it would. I myself am a planner, and have had many a hard lesson in life that reminded me that no matter how much we think we are in control, we actually just do not have that power… Time and babies wait for no one!
All we can do is celebrate and appreciate the miracle that we’ve been given, even if it wasn’t what we were expecting.
It doesn’t come much more miraculous than TWO adorable, healthy, happy babies!
Loving the double trouble? Check out this blog post on two sets of newborn twins!