My image of the month | May

Seeing a little boy or girl meet their brand new sibling is one of the birth story moments that I enjoy most. It’s totally unadulterated. The older sibling’s reactions are so pure. And often so complicated! They switch between elation, jealousy, joy, confusion, awe, excitement - amongst many others - in a heartbeat!

It is the beginning of a lifelong bond of brother- or sisterhood. Friendship. Shared secrets, memories and adventures. It is utterly magical, and a moment worth capturing!

See this beautiful c-section birth story here.

A Meet-The-Family Photo Session is a great add-on to any of my Birth or Maternity-Newborn Packages. It can be done in hospital or in the comfort of your own home. Please contact me to find out more!


The day Catherine came home: An adoption story


Beautiful elective c-section at Mediclinic Panorama | Tyler