Home birth turns natural hospital birth | Susan

It’s 2am.

The phone rings.

It’s time.

Contractions are strong and focused. Susan has been in labour for a while, and her birth team rushes to her side from all over Cape Town. The plan is to labour and deliver their baby right there, in the comfort of their own home in Camps Bay.

A few hours later, brave Susan was fully dilated but unfortunately the labour was not progressing as it should.

I cannot stress enough the value and importance of selecting the right birth team for you, especially when considering a home birth. With years of experience and immense knowledge, not to mention a keen gut instinct, midwife Susan Lees and doula Theresa Sparks advised Susan that the best way to proceed was to take this birth on the road. Together, they made the difficult decision to transfer to Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital in Cape Town, a mere 15 minutes away from the family’s home.

They were met with a wonderful back-up gynae and a stellar Maternity Ward Team, ready to assess and assist Susan. A few hours later, with some additional medical assistance, Susan delivered a beautiful, healthy baby girl through natural delivery.

Big sis was absolutely thrilled to finally meet her little sibling. It was clear that she was in total awe of tiny beauty from the very second she laid eyes on her!

I think this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship…


Dreamy sunrise beach maternity session | Tess


Home newborn session with the whole family | Eliah