Home newborn session with the whole family | Eliah

Sometimes, Life happens… Sometimes, Life happens three weeks early!

This was exactly the case when Ivanka’s little one decided that he had enough of time on the inside, and surprised his family (and his photographer!) by arriving three weeks early! His arrival was so unexpected, that we missed the opportunity to capture his maternity session…

When Life happens, we simply have to adapt. And so, Ivanka and I decided to think of another special way to document this very sweet new life. As it turns out, this adaptation to our original plan has me all excited!

We will be doing four photo sessions, spread across the first year of his life. How wonderful to play witness to little Eliah’s growth and development, not to mention his family’s growth during this special time!

During this first session, we get to see how tiny he was when he arrived home after a few week’s stay in the Neonatal ICU. It was super special that both sides of the family was there, especially since they gathered from all around the country for Eliah’s arrival.

I have no doubt you can see all the love this little guy has around him, but more importantly, how much love and support his parents have too, as they embrace and absorb all these beautiful first moments home with their son.

In just a blink of an eye, Eliah will be three months new, and it will be time for our next session. I can’t wait to for this family’s collection to grow further with more fun and gorgeous moments of cherished, baby-faced pictures to gush over!


Home birth turns natural hospital birth | Susan


Magic maternity in Majik Forest | Lauren