Celebrating 12 years behind the camera

I realised recently that I have been shooting for 12 years now! I suppose in the grand scheme of things it’s not that long, but I wonder to myself how many shots I have taken in those 12 years? How many lessons I have learnt at every shoot and how many more families I will get to see through my lens in the future?

Ever since high school, I knew that I wanted to be Creative. I wanted to lead a path of leadership through the creative industry. I had big plans to study at AFDA (a leading film school in South Africa), hoping to eventually find my way to directing. 

Unfortunately, my plans to go to AFDA were short-lived due to family complications, and I wasn’t suddenly unsure of how I would develop my skills in the industry. Instead, I found my feet in the corporate world, getting into sales and marketing jobs when my husband (then boyfriend) and I were in the UK on work visas.

For a while, I just got stuck in the salary rat-race. One day, I walked past a photography studio on my lunch break. It’s as if my heart found a light again! I knew I wanted to be a part of that creativity in some way.

I landed a job at the photography studio, still doing corporate office work, but surrounded by awesome photographers and a brand that had a greater vision than just a stand-alone photographer.

I never even picked up a camera while working there, but I watched and I grew my love for the world of photography. It was where it all started for me.

When we returned to South Africa and a year later, I enrolled and studied photography full-time, with the support of my lovely husband. I was finally pursuing what I always wanted: A career as a Creative, capturing moments in time to tell a story!

And… well, I guess the rest is history! All this time later, I am still so in love with my career and what I get to do every day.

Bring on another 12 years! I am ready to keep learning and discovering my passion!

Here’s a throwback stretching 10 years: A fun, sunset, kite-flying family photo session!


Goodbye 2021, hello birth photography in 2022!


Why “Yellow Lemon”?