Why “Yellow Lemon”?

Probably one of the questions that I get asked most often, is why my company is called ‘Yellow Lemon’.

The short answer to this popular question, is that I just love the play on words. Yellow also happens to be my favourite colour, so it seemed like a good starting point.

When it was time to think of a business name, straight out of college, freshly qualified and eager to get up and running, I wanted to choose something to stand out. The fashion amongst my peers was to simply add ‘Photography’ to the end of ones name, and call it a day. Not necessarily a bad idea, but I wanted to be different.

My father is a business man and successful entrepreneur, who has published his own business books. With a role model like that, I naturally tend to think about my own business on a larger scale and further down the line. With a business name that is not my own name, there is more playing room for adding team members and expanding. Even if it doesn’t ever go that way, it’s always good to have options, right?

I have to say that my decision to hold onto Yellow Lemon as my trading name has served me incredibly well. It’s catchy and memorable, which just adds a bit of magic to my work!


Celebrating 12 years behind the camera


My image of the month | December