What HE wore to the birth

There is always so much talk about what mom is going to look like during the delivery (not to mention her maternity shoot outfit!). We often overlook the awesomeness that dads bring to the delivery room...

The most important thing for dads to know is that comfortable clothes are best, since you are most likely going to be napping on a couch or a chair at some point during delivery.

I love it when dad’s personality just shines through in his shirt choices. So don’t be scared to choose something you love!

Here is my suggestions for a HOSPITAL BAG for DAD:

Phone and Charger – You never want to run out of power, so make sure you pack in your charger and a double-point-plug, in case they don’t have one in your room.

Cash – It’s always good to have cash in case you need to pay for parking or need to grab a something quick from the vending machine.

Snacks and drinks – Mom will her labour snacks and drinks, but it’s best that you pack your own – mom needs you energised and away from her favourite snacks at this point!

Distraction – Think of bringing a book or magazine for the down times of labour. It can be a long and difficult process, and when things are slow it’s just so nice if you have something to keep your mind busy.

Change of clothes – Perhaps you’ll want to get in the birth pool with your partner or just have a clean change of clothes for afterwards. Throwing in your swimming costume isn’t a bad idea either - you never know what happens in the moment! More often than not, once baby has arrived, dad will have the opportunity for some precious skin-to-skin, in which case you’ll want to take off your shirt. A button-down shirt also works really well in this case.

Music – You are in charge of the music, so create a play list. I am sure your partner will help you with a selection, and it’s such a nice thing for you both to do together to prepare for this big day.

Toiletries – A toothbrush and some deodorant are such seemingly insignificant items to think about, but may help you feel refreshed if delivery takes much longer than expected.


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