Postpartum, and how to better prepare yourself


I recently spoke with Gayle Friedman, founder of the Sunshine Colour and Health Academy, Registered Member of the Allied Health Professions Council of SA and WOMBS. Gayle has been in the Health Care Field for over 30 years, with extensive experience as a qualified Aroma Therapist, Reflexologist, Colour Therapist, Pregnancy Therapist, Doula and Yoga Teacher for pregnant women.

She kindly shares her professional insights into what parents can do to better prepare for postpartum, even during early pregnancy.

Here are her top tips:

Rest is so important during pregnancy and before baby comes. Moms should get into a habit of resting at around 3 or 4 in the afternoon so that they learn to do that with baby. It is one of the most essential acts you can do to help cope with a newborn routine: Managing your rest everyday. 

Nourishment Stocking up on snacks and food is so helpful in the following weeks after delivery. Making sure you have food taken care of will really take a lot of pressure and added energy away from a newborn mommy. Have healthy, conscious snacks available for you in the cupboard. See if you can organise some cooked meals from friends or order a month of healthy ready-meals to be dropped off for you.

The day you come home or the second day you are home, it is so good to have a breastfeeding consultant come and see that baby is latching properly and getting enough nourishment. This is really important just to check that it’s going well with both mom and baby.

Nesting takes place the first week to 40 days after delivery, so this is a crucial time for you to really empower yourselves with rest, nourishment and an appointment with a breastfeeding consultant.

Thank you Gayle for your insightful advice!

Get in touch with Gayle: | 0829584801


What HE wore to the birth


Here’s to the month of motherhood