The arrival of baby number TWO | Anesmae

The arrival of your first baby is undeniably unforgettable. There is nothing like holding your newborn for the first time, the realisation of your own parenthood finally really sinking in… Nothing prepares you for that.

The arrival of your second baby is no less spectacular, and brings with it a new and exciting layer of magic: Your little one is about to become a big brother or sister!

It’s one of the most cherished blessings of my job - witnessing a child meeting their sibling for the first time. It’s even more special when I documented the birth of the first born. How incredible to be able to see that baby grow up into the protector and dearest companion of another?

This was exactly the case with the arrival of Anstea and Mario’s second little girl. Four years ago, I captured the early arrival of tiny Anna-Mae. How wonderful to connect with this lovely family again, and to document not only the birth of Anesmae, but the magical moment of Anna-Mae becoming a big sister.

Similar to her first pregnancy, Anstea’s second was also classified as high risk. Thankfully, this time she carried to full term.

Again, just like with her first c-section, the spinal tap just wouldn’t take (the doctor tried 12 times!!!), so she had to be put under completely. A sad moment, to realise that she would once again miss the birth of her little girl!

But, baby Anesmae did make up for it by crying - the most beautiful and welcome sound in the world to a new parent! In contrast, her sister was awfully quiet at birth… An obviously disappointment for a mom that was anaesthetised during the entire procedure, and hoped that even though she didn’t see the miracle in the moment, she would have a sound clip of her baby’s first cry. Yet another reason why I’m so glad that I was there to document every moment!

Mom and baby Anesmae were healthy and happy, and this time round there was no need for a stay in the NICU.

Meet the Family photo session:

Anstea wasn’t sure if she wanted a Meet the Family Session when we first discussed their photo package options. Luckily, my packages are really flexible, and we were able to add in this session the day after Anesmae was born. This was a great time for it, since both mom and baby had some time to rest and recover.

Big sis Anna-Mae and Anstea’s grandfather, affectionately called “Pa”, came to the Panorama Mediclinic to welcome the new arrival. It was an emotional and beautiful meeting, and one that Anstea and Mario were very pleased that we added!

I can’t wait to meet the family at their home for their Newborn Photo Session…

In the meantime, join me in welcoming baby Anesmae!

PS. Missed Anstea’s sensational fairytale maternity session? See it here!


Beautiful home newborn photo session | Anesmae


Fairytale forest maternity session | Anstea