My image of the month | August 2020

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I just adore this image with mom holding her baby, just moments after her divine water birth. For me this image portrays what birth at home is like - pure and as unobtrusive as it comes. Mom’s face frames her little baby so well in this over-the-shoulder shot. The intimate bond between mom and newborn is so clearly evident...

This little one came at over 40 weeks, which in my experience often means that the baby has very little Vernix (read this fascinating article to find out why).

Baby’s clear, pink skin just glows in this shot. This is the purest, freshest skin you will ever get to see. No clothes, no creams and powders. Just newly-birthed skin. Add to that those wet curls, pouty lips and the knowledge that this little girl is only a few minutes old… Utter perfection!


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