Natural hospital birth at Christiaan Barnard | Nala

Time and tide and babies wait for no man… Even though we were all expecting baby Nala to arrive before her due date, she eventually kept us waiting until her EDD.

After documenting their gorgeously sensuous boudoir maternity session, I could not wait to help Lana and Marlin welcome their baby girl into the world. I was also very much looking forward to work with esteemed midwife, Angela Wakeford.

A well known Cape Town midwife, Angela is passionate about assisting women and their partners to make informed choices for their pregnancy and birth, and provides safe options for natural birthing.

We all met at Angela’s home, where she has a birthing room for parents who would like a home birth experience in a well equipped and prepared space.

As there was a Covid-19 curfew in place, and knowing how unpredictable labour can be, we also arranged for me to stay over at Angela’s as well. Lucky we did, because Lana’s contractions took a while to get started and continued through the night and into the early hours of the morning.

24 hours into labour, Angela realised that Lana’s baby was positioned in a transverse way, which makes for an extremely intense and difficult natural delivery. With decades of experience guiding her every move, Angela recommended that Lana be transferred to the Netcare Christiaan Barnard labour ward for further medical assistance

An epidural later, followed by six more hours of labour, baby Nala casually made her grand debut. Lana, Marlin and their entire birthing team were relieved and thrilled!

True to the job description – birthing has its own story to tell, and it is my great pleasure to flow along with it and support you no matter how your unique story unfolds!

Join me in welcoming baby Nala to the world:


Here’s to the month of motherhood


Behind the scenes at a home newborn photo session | Alyona