Introducing Little Creatives: A fun photography course for kids

So many of us have had to adapt our lives and businesses during the pandemic. The world of Birth Photography was hit hard, and my colleagues and I have had to think outside the box in order to keep the ship afloat.

Wanting to branch out, I joined forces with a dear colleague and friend of mine on a really exciting new project. Both photographers and both moms of three kids between the ages of one and nine, and all stuck at home during lockdown, we had to be really creative to keep everyone entertained.

We were desperate to find something visual and imaginative to keep the children busy, so that we could just catch a breath for at least ten minutes…!

We came up with the idea to help children explore what so many children are already interested in – photography! Our idea blossomed into the ideal solution to keep the kids busy (and to keep our sanity!), even when confined to four walls.

And so, Little Creatives was born!

Little Creatives is a photography course for kids, focused on ages 8-12. All they need is a cellphone camera or tablet. We walk them through camera settings and basic photography rules, in order to establish their visual footing and creative eye. In so doing, the basic rules and art of photography is instilled, while encouraging them to discover their own creative confidence.

We wanted to give children freedom to be creative. This course is exciting and fun, yet it challenges kids to develop and train their eye for photography.

The launch of Little Creatives is just around the corner: 11 September 2021

If your child is between 8-12 years old and loves stealing your phone to take pictures then this is the course for them!

  • 12 weeks of digital course material straight to parents’ inbox.

  • Digital downloads. Worksheets. Exercises to get those creativity juices flowing without even bothering mom or dad! All your child needs is a phone or tablet camera to explore these child-friendly lessons.

Sign up here to join the waiting list. Limited spots available once doors open!


My image of the month | September


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