Don’t delay booking a Birth Photographer

A potential client (now a booked client!) and I recently met with our masks and sanitiser in hand and were chatting over our divine Woolworths lattes…

At this no-obligation consultation, I go over protocols and what I would be providing for her and her husband as their Birth Photographer. Although this lovely mommy is expecting her second baby, she mentioned to me how overwhelming it all is and how much needs to get done prior to baby’s arrival. And time flies by so quickly! She expressed great relief knowing that the documentation of this precious arrival will be beautifully documented!

As there is more to booking a photographer than just marking a date in your calendar, it is important to finalise things earlier than you think during your pregnancy. Most of my clients contact me during their first trimester. It is worthwhile taking the time to build a long-term relationship with your photographer during the course of your pregnancy. After all, this person will play witness to one of the most intimate moments of your life! It is so important that they are a good fit to your birthing team.

There are also documents to be signed by your doctor and the medical facility where you choose to birth your baby. This “admin” should not add extra stress to expecting moms - it’s something that can be efficiently and easily sorted out way in advance.

Also, keep in mind that I only book a maximum of three births per month. Babies come when they are good and ready, and an overbooked Birth Photographer cannot guarantee their exclusive attention and time for your new arrival. Keep in mind that registered Birth Photographers all have to have a back-up photographer, just in case!

If a photographer’s work has caught your eye, make sure to contact them early. It would be such a shame to miss out on their service because you left it too long to contact them!

Still on the fence about hiring a birth photography? Here’s another great blog post with more tips about hiring a Birth Photographer, and here is a wonderful testimonial from a couple that were apprehensive about hiring a Birth Photographer at first.


My image of the month | January 2021


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